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双轴破碎机 Double Shaft Shredder
D系列双轴破碎机采用剪切、撕碎和压碎的工作原理,广泛应用于初级破碎、二级破碎等各级破碎环节。驱动形式分为电机驱动和液压驱动,液压驱动主要针对破碎冲击大的工况,电机驱动主要针对破D系列双轴破碎机采用剪切、撕碎和压碎的工作原理,广泛应用于初级破碎、二级破碎等各级破碎环节。驱动形式分为电机驱动和液压驱动,液压驱动主要针对破碎冲击大的工况,电机驱动主要针对破碎时冲击小的工况。该系列适用于破碎生活垃圾、大件垃圾、废金属、医疗垃圾、纸厂废料、木材、轮胎、废旧布料、电子垃圾、锂电池破碎等,是通用性最强、性价比最高的机型。 D Series double shaft shredder can be used for primary, secondary or any other shredding process. The shearing, tearing and fracturing actions are presented when the machine is being used. This series products have electric or hydraulic drive, the former one is mainly designed for shredding low shock load materials, and the later one is well-suited for a wide range of high-force application. Thanks to its reliable performance, double shaft shredder can be used for shredding domestic waste, bulky waste, scrap metal, hospital waste, industrial paper, wood, tries, e-waste, etc. industrial paper, wood, tries, e-waste, etc. 双轴破碎机工作原理: 应用: 更多产品 |